
Can Infrared Camera Detect Mice On Roof

Detecting Pests with Thermal Imaging

Thermal imagers are an increasingly popular, not-intrusive solution for finding pests in walls and other subconscious places. From rodents to hornets to termites, many homeowners and edifice maintenance professionals are using thermal to apace locate nests and avoid spreading chemicals similar insecticides around homes. However, successfully finding pests requires understanding a few key things about thermal imaging.

Seeing Through Walls?

Showtime, let'due south articulate up a common misconception: thermal imaging cannot run across through walls. Instead, thermal cameras notice temperature differences on the surface of a wall that is caused past something on the other side. For instance, a thermal camera won't pick upwardly a rodent moving through a wall, but could detect a rodent nest that has been generating heat for a long menses of time and acquired the outer wall to warm up. Cheque out the article Can Thermal Imaging See Through Walls? to acquire more.

Looking for Patterns

If a large heat source like a nest isn't obvious, sensitive thermal cameras may be able to detect irregular heat patterns, moisture, and other signs of harm that betoken the presence of a pest, similar missing insulation or holes in walls that indicates an entry signal. Agreement what patterns to expect for requires training and practice, every bit it's easy to incorrectly interpret an image.

Hither's some indicators to look for when trying to locate the following common intruders:



Termites nests may be visible every bit hotspots (left), and termite tunnels take high wet content that can be detected with thermal imaging (right).

Termites can be constitute by looking for nests, moisture sources, and evidence of impairment in walls. When termites enter a habitation, they release heat from their digestive system in the form of carbon dioxide and construct mud tubes that have high moisture content, creating irregular heat patterns on the surface of walls, ceilings, and floors.



Rodents (like the possum on the left) or their nests may be visible, or wild fauna activity may exit clues like missing insulation (right).

Rodents and other wild fauna might create nests that can be detected, or might accept damaged walls or moved insulation and created cold spots that can exist seen in thermal. Nocturnal animals that sally at night can also be tracked with thermal imaging, which works in consummate darkness.

Hornets and Other Social Insects


Hornet nests show up as hotspots in thermal.

Insects are cold-blooded, but they practise generate heat. The heat of a wasp nest, beehive, or other large cluster of social insects will usually generate enough heat to be detected past a thermal camera.

Fifty-fifty if yous know what to look for, pests are not always obvious. In general, we recommend taking a preparation form with the ITC or hiring professional help if your pest problem isn't easily located.

What Camera Practice I Demand?

The thermal camera needed depends on your pest situation. If you lot're looking for a nest that's generating a lot of heat, you may exist able to spot the trouble with an entry level camera like the FLIR Ane Pro or FLIR C3.

If yous're looking for termites and need to find testify of moisture damage, y'all'll probably need a higher-resolution solution similar a FLIR Exx-Series photographic camera.

termite under floor.png

A termite nest under the floorboards is revealed with thermal imaging.

Thermal cameras have the guesswork out of pest detection, saving inspectors hours of work, helping identify the verbal location of nests, and minimizing the amount of impairment needed to remove them. Learn more nearly FLIR thermal camera solutions for building inspection:


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